More spring: Detailed weather forecast in Kyiv for March 15

UAportal has prepared a detailed weather forecast in Kyiv for March 15. According to the data provided by, the minimum temperature is +3, and the maximum is +12, with a feeling of +5.
The wind speed is 6.6 m/s, NW, the humidity level is 59%. Our ancestors noticed that if the weather is stable on this day, then the weather will be gloomy.
There's also a chance of showers in the afternoon, so it's best to prepare accordingly. Wind speeds will remain steady throughout the day, which can make outdoor activities unpleasant if not dressed appropriately.
Sunrise time is 6:12 a.m., and sunset time is 6:01 p.m., so be sure to take advantage of daylight hours. Plan outdoor activities early in the day, when temperatures are higher if possible.
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