The Holy Fire went down in Jerusalem: (photo, video)

The grace fire goes down the day before Easter. Orthodox Christians from all over the world are waiting for the Holy Fire to ascend in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. UaPortal publishes an online broadcast on YouTube of the ceremony of the descent of the Blessed Fire
Features of this year's ceremony
This year there are restrictions on the number of people staying - no more than 1,800 people in the temple and 1,200 outside the shrine. Last year, 10,000 believers were allowed to attend the ceremony at the same time. The Israeli police explained the restrictions out of concern for believers.

Ascension of the Blessed Fire: online broadcast
The main rites associated with the Blessed Fire
Every year on Great Saturday, which is celebrated exactly one day before Easter, in the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Holy Fire ascends.
Before the fire is lit, a service is usually held, in which groups from the Jerusalem Patriarchate of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Coptic, and Syrian Churches, as well as representatives of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, participate.
Read also: What not to do on Holy Saturday
On Friday evening, believers traditionally gather for a special service in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which ends with a procession to Kuvuklia.
According to tradition, all the candles in the church are extinguished and the faithful freeze, waiting for a great miracle.
What does the Grace Fire symbolize?
People believe that the Grace Fire symbolizes the non-man-made light of the Resurrection of Christ. The apostle Peter also spoke about him. Also, the Blessed Fire is a sacred shrine for believers. Every time his appearance before Easter is considered a miracle.
How the Fire of Grace is actually lit
In 2018, the representative of the Armenian Patriarchate, Samuil Ahoyan, told how the Holy Fire is actually lit, because he himself was present during the lighting procedure, adding: "God works miracles, but not for the comfort of people." During the lighting procedure of the sacred fire, the patriarchs light bundles of wax candles from an oil lamp.
"They have bundles of candles, we call them torches, and they light them from an oil candle and present it as a blessed fire. We believe in miracles, but I've been there three times and it's not a miracle," said Samuel Agoyan.
By the way, the Catholic Church was categorically opposed to the miracle of the Holy Fire: in 1238, Pope Gregory IX disagreed.
There is a belief: if the fire does not go down, the year will be the last for humanity.
We will remind you that we have already written about seven dishes for the last days of fasting.
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