
Herring and beer: humane ways to get rid of moles in the garden

Bylim Olena

Herring and beer: humane ways to get rid of moles in the garden
Herring and beer: humane ways to get rid of moles in the garden
Herring and beer: humane ways to get rid of moles in the garden

Owners of gardens and country plots often face the problem of moles. In addition to eating some pests and loosening the soil, these "hosts" damage crops.

Moles lay a whole network of "feeding" (filled with earthworms) tunnels underground, sometimes covering hundreds of square meters. In addition, while digging their underground labyrinths, moles touch and tear the roots of plants. Root crops are especially affected by moles. What can we say about lawns - after the management of moles, they resemble bombed areas.

So if moles have chosen your site, you need to get rid of them urgently. There are quite humane methods for this - scaring.

Read also: Hot pepper and mustard: how to get rid of slugs in the garden

As you know, blind moles have a very developed sense of smell, and in order to drive away the pest from the site, it is necessary to use substances with an unpleasant smell. These are usually repellents that are non-toxic to humans and animals, safe for bees, and do not harm the environment.

Repellent pellets paralyze the sense of smell of moles and they leave the territory.

If you want to get rid of moles by folk methods, you can use beer or rotten herring. This life hack was shared by one of the bloggers who give various recommendations on proper maintenance of the garden on TikTok.

The woman suggests wearing a protective mask and taking a rotten herring, chopping it up, and burying the pieces in the ground. According to her, this smell will scare away moles for a long time, but it can also scare you away from the garden because it is not pleasant.

Other users of the social network suggest using lemon and garlic instead of rotten herring, and some suggest adding beer to the taming process.

The Telegram channel "Dacha. Garden and Garden" advises scaring away moles with certain plants.

"Plant beans, onions, garlic, or peas on the plot. Moles will definitely not want to settle in your garden. You can put finely chopped celeriac in the holes. The plant rots in the soil, and this is also fertilizer, while moles will not like celeriac, it is for them a kind of deterrent," the message says.

And experienced gardeners advise using tar.

It is necessary to wet small rags with it, dig a mole hole and put the rags in them, sprinkling them with earth.

We remind you that various rodents in the vegetable garden cause serious damage. However, experts have named cheap and simple methods that will help get rid of rats and other pests forever. Despite the damage that rats cause, they also spread potentially dangerous diseases.

You need to take care of the garden at any time of the year. It is important not to start fungal diseases, fight pests in time and only multiply the harvest.

In winter, the trunks of trees and shrubs quickly become exposed under the influence of the sun's rays and the snow that settles on them. Therefore, they can be easily damaged by rodents and frost. It is not necessary to postpone the treatment of the tree until spring. Because during the winter, the cold and animals can seriously damage your plants.

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