Do this with fruit trees in autumn to have a good harvest in summer

Autumn is the time to take care of fruit trees to ensure a good harvest in summer. Do not forget that fruit trees need fertilisation and watering in dry weather.
Experts advise carrying out sanitary pruning in autumn to remove all damaged, diseased and dry branches. This will help the tree survive the winter better and give it more strength for fruiting.
In autumn, fruit trees need phosphorus-potassium fertilisers to help them strengthen their roots and prepare for winter. Avoid nitrogen fertilisers, otherwise the tree will get sick.
Read also: What not to do in the garden in autumn: you can do harm
Whitewash the trunks to protect the trees from pests and diseases.
Remove fallen leaves and rotten fruits - they are a source of infection, so they need to be removed from under the trees.
Sanitary pruning
Sanitary pruning should be carried out in dry weather. To do this, use sharp secateurs or a saw. Damaged branches should be removed completely, and dry branches should be cut back to healthy tissue.
Phosphorus-potassium fertilisers are applied in autumn, after harvest. For this purpose, you can use superphosphate, potassium chloride or rotted manure. Fertilisers are applied to the trunk circle, and then the ground is dug up.
Whitewashing trunks
The trunks are whitewashed after leaf fall. For this, a mixture of clay, mullein, ash and water is used. The whitewash is applied to the trunks and lower branches to a height of 1.5-2 m.
Before the onset of the cold season, summer residents begin to prepare for winter. During this period, one of the most important procedures is to protect plants in the garden from pests. To do this, you can use a home remedy prepared on the basis of a well-known fertiliser.
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