Spectators cried with laughter: two gorillas in the zoo were frightened by the rain (video)

During the rain, the great apes at London Zoo started to panic and quickly ran into the enclosure. They made zoo visitors who were watching the gorillas' behavior laugh.
The video of the gorillas running away from the rain was posted by visitors of the London Zoo on TikTok.
The footage shows one of the monkeys using something to cover its head from the rain and quickly running for cover. Another frightened gorilla was running quickly from one end of the enclosure to the other.
Zoo visitors say that the gorillas' behavior reminded them of people rushing indoors to protect themselves from a downpour.
The comments under the video say that zoo visitors were touched by the gorillas' behavior, but they also note that they "cried with laughter" when they saw the apes running away from the raindrops.
As a reminder, Sally the gorilla, who lives in the Columbus Zoo in Ohio, confused zookeepers when she gave birth to a baby girl. Sally had been considered a male until that moment, as gorillas under 8 years old are about the same size and have no visible genitals.
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