Why wash things together with a cellophane bag: an effective life hack

There is no need to buy special products to solve the problem of wool and wool from animals on your clothes. A simple cellophane bag can become your laundry assistant. Just throw it in the washing machine with your clothes.
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Cellophane has the ability to electrify when rubbed, which helps to attract garbage, threads, and wool of domestic animals, like a magnet. In addition, experienced housewives claim that a cellophane bag helps the washing powder to dissolve better, providing more effective washing.
However, it is important that the cellophane bag does not have any designs or writing on it, as this can cause the paint to stick to your clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to use ordinary cellophane without any images.
This simple method can help you easily get rid of animal fur in your washing machine and ensure clean clothes without too much effort.
Previously, we wrote about the mode of the washing machine, which is better not to use, so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing, so that mold and a bad smell do not appear in the washing machine.
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