Why do they hang a small bucket behind the car: omens and superstitions

On the roads of Ukraine, you can often meet cars with a small bucket on the stern, on the towing hook, or on the muffler. This ancient tradition has its own symbolism and is associated with the belief in salvation and good luck on the road, it acts as a talisman for drivers. In particular, on trucks with a towbar, such charms are also used to protect the towing device from contamination and damage during movement.
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The origin of this tradition belongs to the time of horse carriages when a bucket with tar was used to lubricate the hub, which was attached to the back of the carriage or cart. With the development of road transport, this symbol was transferred to cars. The first cars had a bucket filled with water for the needs of the horses.
In Soviet times, instead of antifreeze, the water in the cooling system in cars often boiled, and drivers constantly added water right onto the road. Therefore, drivers did not leave without a bucket of water. In addition, in the winter, when the diesel fuel in the car can freeze, drivers also used a bucket of water to melt the fuel. Another use of a bucket of water was washing a car, and wiping the headlights or windshield.
We will remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine played a significant role in the formation of the cultural identity of the country. Therefore, UAportal talks about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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