Why people cross their fingers when they lie: folk signs and superstitions

Crossing fingers when lying is a common belief that raises many questions. Why fingers, and why do people find it convenient to use this gesture when lying?
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There are several theories that explain the origin of this belief. One of them is related to the fact that it is known that the level of anxiety and tension increases during a lie. Crossing your fingers can help reduce this anxiety level, as this gesture can evoke a sense of security and stability.
One such sign says that when we cross our fingers, we are disrespecting the devil, who has influence over our words and actions. The belief is related to the Christian tradition and it is believed that when a person tells a lie through crossed fingers, the devil cannot hear his words and cannot influence him.
Another sign is related to the belief that when we cross our fingers, we should not fear God's punishment for our false words. According to this belief, crossing your fingers is a kind of sign that signals to us that we can say whatever we want without fear of God's punishment.
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Another theory states that crossing fingers can be a means of conserving energy and concentration. When lying, a person may feel insecure, which in turn can affect their movements. Crossing your fingers can help you focus on the truth and conserve energy to continue telling the truth.
It is also possible that crossing fingers may have its roots in a psychological factor. Many people believe that this gesture helps them avoid answering a question, makes the other person believe a lie, or simply makes them look more certain.
In any case, it is important to know that crossing your fingers cannot help make a lie come true. On the contrary, using this gesture can only increase the feeling of insecurity and suspicion of others.
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