Three times bigger than Mount Everest: a huge comet is approaching the Earth

Astronomers have announced that a comet three times the size of Mount Everest has exploded in space and is approaching the Earth. It will not collide with the surface of our planet, but it will be visible to the naked eye.
According to the Daily Mail, the space object will reach the closest point to our planet on April 21, 2024.
The space rock, dubbed 12P/Ponce Brooks, is known as a cryovolcanic comet or cold volcano. It has a solid nucleus with an approximate diameter of 30 km and is composed of ice, dust, and gases that act a bit like carbonation in a soda bottle.
That's because when heated by the sun, the pressure inside this cryomagnet continues to rise until nitrogen and carbon monoxide explode and eject ice debris through large cracks in the core's shell.
The publication writes that the space rock, called 12P/Ponce Brooks, is known as a cryovolcanic comet or cold volcano. It was first discovered on July 12, 1812.
It is noted that the horseshoe shape of the stone resembles the Millennium Falcon spaceship from Star Wars.
"Although Ponce Brooks will be closest to Earth in April 2024, it is predicted to reach magnitude +4, so it will be visible to the naked eye in May and June 2024 as well," the publication writes.
As a reminder, two giant planets collided and evaporated in the star system . After their death, a "donut" was spotted in space.
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