
Doctors have named six types of people who are prohibited from eating walnuts: they pose a threat to their health

Maria Tsikhotska

Doctors have named six types of people who are prohibited from eating walnuts: they pose a threat to their health
Walnuts are prohibited for people with obesity and frequent headaches

Walnuts have a rich chemical composition that is difficult to compare with other types of nuts. Although they are healthy, there are certain cases when you should refrain from eating them.

This is written by TSN.

According to experts, walnuts have a positive effect on the body due to their vitamin and mineral composition. They improve brain function, memory, and information assimilation thanks to B vitamins, iodine, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. The kernels of walnuts are even similar to the human brain.

These nuts are rich in iron, which is why they are often called anti-anemic. They contain vegetable protein, which helps build cells.

B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and iodine have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nail plate.

Walnuts are known for their beneficial properties against headaches and cramps, and vitamin E helps to reduce age spots and slow down the aging process.

These nuts also help to improve blood condition thanks to the potassium and magnesium in their composition, and also contain the hormone melatonin, which helps to fall asleep easily.

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However, there are categories of people who are not recommended to consume walnuts due to certain health problems, such as chronic intestinal diseases, pancreatic diseases, blood clotting problems, frequent headaches, allergies, and obesity.

The consumption rate of walnuts depends on the state of health and age, and for healthy people it can be about 4-6 pieces per day. It is important to avoid combining them with carbohydrate products. It is believed that the best time to consume walnuts is in the evening, as they contain melatonin, which helps you fall asleep.

As a reminder, we've already written about how to lose weight if you're a night owl.

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