The world's only giraffe without spots was born in a zoo in the United States: what it looks like (video)

In the United States, a giraffe cub was born at the Brights Zoo that has no characteristic patterns on its body. Scientists say it is the only giraffe in the world without spots.
IFLScience reports, that the giraffe has a rusty orange coat color, a characteristic long neck and a short tail.
It is noted that sometimes genetic mutations can affect species, creating unusual variations in typical animal colors.
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Zoo experts believe that she is currently the only monochromatic reticulated giraffe in the world. It is reported that the last such "flawless" giraffe was born in 1972 in Tokyo and was named Toshiko.
The zoo reported that the cub is under the care of her mother and is doing well, her height is already 1.82 meters.
Brights Zoo has opened a Facebook poll for the best name for this giraffe. Currently, it is proposed to name the giraffe cub Kipeki (unique), Firyali (unusual), Shakiri (the most beautiful) and Jamella (a creature of amazing beauty). The voting will last until September 4.

According to Bright's Zoo founder Tony Bright, reticulated giraffes live in small populations in the wild in Kenya, Somalia, and southern Ethiopia. Due to their fragmented distribution, they are classified as Endangered.
According to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, their spotted fur helps to camouflage their bodies from the savannah vegetation and also serves as a heat loss system. The dark spots are believed to help regulate their heat because of the large sweat glands underneath and the unique way the blood vessels are arranged around them. Each pattern is unique.
As a reminder, a new species of gecko with psychedelic eyes was discovered in Australia.
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