Still life capturing "pizza" discovered in Pompeii (photo)

During the excavation of a block of houses in Regio IX of Pompeii, archaeologists discovered a mural depicting food and drink that looks very much like pizza. The mural was painted 2000 years ago.
In fact, it is a round flat focaccia covered with fruits and spices, as well as something similar to pesto, a herbal cheese. The "pizza" is shown on a silver tray next to a silver cantaros with wine, according to The History Blog.
Also there are dried and fresh fruits, including two dates, a pomegranate, a fig, and a garland of yellow berries.
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The food on the silver tray represents the Greek concept of Xenia, the hospitality offered to all visitors, creating a powerful, ritualistic bond of friendship between host and guest. The offering of food was an important element often depicted in the art of Greece and Rome.

There are about 300 known murals depicting food offerings in cities buried during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. This example is characterized by high quality workmanship.
It was discovered in the atrium of a house in the Insula 10 neighborhood of Regio IX. The house with the attached bakery was first investigated between 1888 and 1891, but only a small part of it.

As a reminder, scientists have learned that the Maya had a very high level of dentistry.
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