Room where slaves were kept 2000 years ago found in Pompeii (photo)

A 2000-year-old room was found in the area of Civita Giuliana, which is located about 600 metres north of ancient Pompeii. It is believed that nobles kept slaves here.
According to the Pompeii Archaeological Park, wooden furniture and textiles were found in the room, which was under a layer of ash, as well as the bodies of victims of the 79 AD eruption. They were covered with a pyroclastic layer, which then became solid, with organic matter decomposing and leaving a void in the hardened ash.
Read also: Died two millennia ago: two more victims of the volcanic eruption in Pompeii found (video)
Three beds, clay objects and crockery were found in this room.

It is noted that the beds testify to a certain hierarchy that existed between the servants. One of the beds was made quite skilfully. It could have belonged to a senior servant or a person who supervised the servants.
Two small cabinets were also found in the room, they are also partially preserved in the form of castings, as well as several ceramic amphorae and vessels. The amphorae contained the remains of two small mice in an amphora, and the remains of a rat were found in a jug.
You can learn more about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii here.
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