A rare relic of a medieval knight was discovered in Poland (photo)

Archaeologists have found a rare reliquary in the shape of a cross in Poland,. The discovery was made in the town of Wozniki, located in Lubliniec County.
The building was the residence of a knight from the 14th to the 15th century, which was first investigated in the mid-19th century by the archaeology department of the Wiercieśląski Museum in Bytom. It is reported by PAP.
Archaeologists also found numerous artifacts and objects at the site, including ceramic clay vessels, door hardware, a padlock, a key, nails, hooks and weapons consisting of several crossbow bolt heads and three iron stirrups.
Read also: 12th century Crusader sword discovered in Finland (photo)
"A rare find that the team discovered is an encolpion, a reliquary in the shape of a cross, made of copper alloy. Due to its poor condition, the monument was sent to Wrocław for conservation. "The encolpion (from Greek 'en' - on, 'kolpos' - chest) was worn by Christians on their chests; there were relics or quotations from the Holy Scriptures, inside" the researchers said.

Encolpions were an important symbol of the Christian faith, usually worn by Orthodox and Eastern Catholic bishops. Examples of enkopions have been found in a variety of shapes ranging from oval, round, quadrangular, and often surrounded by precious stones (usually paste) and topped with an oriental-style mitre.

We will remind, archaeologists found in Italy the remains of a woman with whom Da Vinci wrote the Mona Lisa.
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