Brewery built in the time of Narmer found in Egypt: it produced more than 22 thousand liters of beer at a time

During archaeological work in Abydos, the remains of a brewery were found. This is the oldest of all the breweries found. According to Mustafa Vaziri, secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, the age of the brewery echoes the reign of Pharaoh Narmer (about 3100-3000 years). writes about it.
"The factory consisted of eight sectors, each 20 meters long and 2.5 meters wide," Vaziri said. "One sector contained 40 clay vessels, two in each row, and they were installed 0.4 m below ground level, where beer was produced by heating water and mixturing grains. At the same time, each tank was fixed vertically with clay supports."
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A more detailed study showed that the brewery could produce up to 22,400 liters of beer at a time.
"The brewery was probably built here specifically to provide royal rituals in the funeral buildings of the first pharaohs of Egypt, including sacrifices," he said.
As a reminder, scientists have recreated the face of a 16-year-old girl from the 7th century whose remains were found near Cambridge.
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