What is the difference between red, white, and yellow onions

Onions differ not only in color but also in texture and flavor depending on the variety. Find out what makes red, white, and yellow onions special.
Except for sweet onions, all types can be stored for weeks in the pantry or a cool cupboard. However, keep in mind that you need to choose the right one when you buy it. Don't buy onions that are too soft, have a strong odor, or are suspiciously light, as this may indicate the presence of rot and the age of the vegetable. Choose onions that are firm and fairly heavy.
Read also: The difference between red, white and yellow onions
What is the difference between different types of onions?
- Yellow onions: the most popular variety in cooking, often called "straw onions." This vegetable is suitable for stewing, making sauces, baking, frying, caramelizing, and pickling. It has a pronounced and balanced taste, sometimes spicy and sometimes sweet. Yellow onions are usually small, with rather tough skin and a fleshy layer. They keep longer than red onions and should be stored in a dark, dry, and cool place.
- White onions: This type of onion appears only during hot periods, primarily in spring and summer, making it less common than yellow onions. White onions, also known as "new onions," are often small, with thin skin and flesh that contains a lot of water. The vegetable is rich in sulfur and sugar, giving off a strong odor that can irritate the eyes, but its taste is milder and less pungent than yellow onions. This variety can be used in cooking in the same way as yellow onions but is best chopped, sliced, or finely minced to garnish salads.
- Red onions: This variety has a fleshy skin, is quite crispy, and is suitable for salads when added raw. It is best not to heat it, as it will lose its flavor. If you find red onions too spicy and want to mellow their flavor, soak them in a bowl of cold water for ten minutes before eating them raw. Additionally, there are sweet onions, which are spherical, slightly flattened, and come in both white and yellow varieties. They are much sweeter and softer than other types, with a shorter shelf life, and should be stored in the refrigerator.
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