
Unique Scythian bone scepter discovered in Bulgaria (photo)

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Unique Scythian bone scepter discovered in Bulgaria (photo)
A unique Scythian bone scepter was discovered in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, archaeologists have discovered a Scythian scepter carved from an animal bone. The discovery was made in the burial of a warrior of the fifth century BC in Provadia-Solnitsata.

Bone scepters have been found before, but they usually have the shape of a cross, and the design of this one is unique. This is reported by The History Blog.

The scepter is 15 inches long with a smooth handle made of two pieces of bone glued together. It has an ornithomorphic (bird-shaped) head with a hooked beak.

Read also: Fragments of a sarcophagus depicting a leopard from the 7th century BC found in Egypt (photo)

On the one hand, it looks like the beak of an eagle, an animal that was of great ritual importance to the Scythians, but on the other hand, there is an anthropomorphic pattern that makes the beak look like a hat. There is a hole in the lower rod, which indicates that it was suspended from something.

Unique Scythian bone scepter discovered in Bulgaria (photo)
Archaeologists found a unique Scythian bone scepter in Bulgaria. Source: The History Blog

The Scythians were masters of the art of bone carving, and this scepter is an unsurpassed example of their skill. In addition to the bone scepter, archaeologists have also found the skeletons of a horse, a small dog, and a turtle.

Unique Scythian bone scepter discovered in Bulgaria (photo)
Archaeologists found a unique Scythian bone scepter in Bulgaria. Source: The History Blog

A heavily rusted iron knife was also found in the grave. The scepter is a symbol of command, so he was probably a commander.

Unique Scythian bone scepter discovered in Bulgaria (photo)
Archaeologists found a unique Scythian bone scepter in Bulgaria. Source: The History Blog

As a reminder, a possible throne room of King Herod was discovered in Jordan.

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