Will destroy the entire crop: gardeners named five plants that should never be planted next to tomatoes

There are a huge number of great companion plants for tomatoes, but there are also many plants that you should avoid planting alongside these crops. Tomatoes are delicate, so they need to be grown properly to get the best out of them.
Gardeners should be mindful of the plants they should not grow with tomatoes, as this can attract pests, reduce nutrients or attract diseases to them. This was reported by Express.co.uk.
Experts say that tomatoes and cabbage should not be grown next to each other because they compete for the same nutrients. This leads to poor growth of both crops. The plants also attract the same pests.
This herb may look innocent, but according to a gardening professional, it has some "sneaky moves". Fennel has the ability to release substances from its roots that can interfere with the growth of neighbouring plants, especially tomatoes.
When dill is a young sprout, it can actually be a friend to tomatoes. They can coexist and help each other. But as it grows older, dill will start to grab all the sunlight and snatch nutrients from the soil that tomatoes desperately need.
Planting potatoes next to tomatoes is like playing a dangerous game of disease roulette. They can transmit a nasty disease to each other. The entire crop can be quickly destroyed.
These two plants crave the same nutrients in the soil. Broccoli also has a huge root system that likes to invade the personal space of tomato plants.
Earlier, we wrote about how to preserve pickled zucchini for the winter, which tastes like mushrooms.
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