Scientists have answered how excessive coffee consumption affects the brain

Scientists from the University of South Australia studied the relationship between coffee and various diseases of the nervous system, such as a decrease in brain volume, the risk of stroke, and dementia. A study involving more than 17,700 people aged 37-73 showed that drinking a lot of coffee can have a negative impact on health.
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"We took into account various factors and found that drinking large amounts of coffee is associated with a decrease in brain volume. Six cups a day or more can increase your risk of developing stroke and dementia," said Kitty Pham, co-author of the study.
The study also found that the risk of dementia increases by 53% in people who drink at least six cups of coffee a day, and the risk of stroke increases by 17%.
Professor Elina Hippenen, the lead author of the study, indicated that these results may cause concern among coffee drinkers, but she stresses that it is important to strike a balance between the amount of coffee consumed and its possible health effects. Moderation, as with many other things, is the key to healthy coffee consumption.
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A new study, together with genetic data and randomized trials, suggests a possible negative effect of coffee on the brain. The exact mechanisms of this effect remain unknown. However, one simple thing scientists advise based on research is to be smart about your coffee consumption. According to Professor Hippenen, the recommended daily dose of coffee for many people can be up to 3 cups a day.
The study also highlights the importance of considering other factors, such as age, gender, genetics, and general health, which may affect the risk of developing nervous system diseases. It is important to understand that coffee is one of many factors that can affect brain health and decisions about coffee consumption must be made in the context of overall lifestyle and the risks associated with other risk factors.
Previously, we also wrote about which 4 spices are added to coffee to improve the aroma and taste of the drink, and which 3 spices are added to tea to make it more useful for health. And if you spilled coffee on white clothes, you can get rid of coffee stains even on white clothes if you act quickly.
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