Scientists explain why some children are born with "tails"

The rare bone-free tails that some babies are born with are a source of curiosity and concern for scientists. To date, about 40 cases of babies born with such "real tails" up to 18 centimeters long have been recorded.
These processes, which resemble soft protrusions without bones or cartilage, can be surgically removed. Previously, scientists assumed that these tails were an evolutionary remnant of a human ancestor or rudimentary features inherited from primates.
However, new research suggests that this theory can be refuted. Scientists now explain the boneless tails as a manifestation of incomplete fusion of the spinal column or spinal dysraphism, ScienceAlert reports.
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This suggests that the formation of these processes occurs at the stage of embryonic development and may be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Historically, the pseudotail, which includes a bone, was considered a separate type of process and was associated with birth defects. However, scientists emphasize that this is an incomplete fusion of the spinal column that cannot be considered rudimentary. Although these boneless processes usually have no functional significance, they can cause certain problems in the development of the embryo.
It is noted that by the eighth week of development, this tail is usually reabsorbed back into the body of the embryo. However, not always.
The publication writes that babies born with tails usually have serious neurological defects. Therefore, children born with tails require more medical care than a simple operation.
Part of the problem is that it is not yet known whether a real tail is directly derived from an embryonic tail, as some scientists have suggested. The evidence strongly suggests that it is the result of a congenital problem, not a harmless rudimentary trait.
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