Florists answered why to wipe the leaves of indoor plants with alcohol

During the heating season, indoor plants can fall victim to pests, so proper care during the cold months is very important. You can use simple methods to get rid of root beetles once and for all. These tips are based on the recommendations of experienced gardeners and the Express.
Isolate infected plants
If you find that your plant is infested with mealybugs, scale insects, aphids, or mites, isolate it from other plants immediately. Keep the rest of your vegetation under observation for three or four weeks.
Rinsing and sterilization
After isolation, wash the infested plant thoroughly with soapy water in the areas where the pests are seen. It is also recommended to sterilize the affected area with alcohol. Pharmacy alcohol is often used for this purpose and the leaves of the plant are thoroughly wiped.
Insecticidal soap or mild liquid soap
The next step is to wash the infested plant with insecticidal soap or liquid soap, which will kill the insects on contact. Be careful when choosing a product and test it on a small area of the plant first.
Alcohol and cleaning the pot
Use a cotton swab moistened with alcohol to blot the insects on the plant. It is also worth rinsing the pot and tray with soapy water, as the pests may be hiding there.
It's important to note that mealybugs, which are one of the most common pests, are often mistaken for fungus or mold because they look like white cotton wool or powder and usually collect on stems and leaf joints. You recognize aphids by their sticky traces on the plant.
As a reminder, we have already written which indoor plants should not be kept at home.
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