Florists answered how to grow mangoes from a seed at home

Growing exotic plants from seeds in the apartment has become a popular hobby. People experiment with lemons, oranges and avocados, and now we will tell you how to grow mangoes. It requires patience and attention, but the result is worth the effort.
About this writes Focus.
The initial stage is buying a mango in the supermarket. Choose a ripe fruit that has a slight indentation on pressing. Then peel the pit from the pulp and rinse it thoroughly. If the shell is already cracked, extract the seeds carefully. Otherwise you should take a kitchen knife and crack it while extracting the seeds.
To prevent any fungal infections, soak the seeds in a pink colored manganese solution, if manganese is not available, fungicides from the store will also work.
Do not hesitate to plant the seeds, as they dry out quite quickly after being removed from the shell.
Then roll the seeds in a gauze cloth or towel and place in a bag. Hide in a plastic container with a lid and place in a warm and dark place. This can be by the radiator during the heating season or another warm place in the house. Moisten the gauze roll regularly to keep the seeds from drying out.
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The mango will start germinating within 5-14 days, and then you can plant it in a pot. Choose a pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm and with drainage holes at the bottom. As to soil, use a mixture of all-purpose soil or peat and sand in a 2:1 ratio.
While planting, insert the seeds to a depth of no more than a quarter. Water moderately. Cover the pot with foil or a cut bottle with holes for ventilation. Water the mango every 2-3 days, avoid over watering. In summer, you can take the pot out on the balcony or in the yard, but avoid direct sunlight. It is important to give the plant enough light.
Recall, florists advised how to protect indoor plants from diseases in the cold season.
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