Florists named three mistakes in the care of sansevieria that lead to yellowing of leaves

Sansevieria is famous for its unpretentiousness and hardiness. But there are cases when errors in care lead to its death.
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The main signs that Sansevieria requires attention, is a change in color and wilting leaves. If you detect these symptoms in time and make the necessary corrections in care, you can save the plant and prevent its death.
One of the most common mistakes is overwatering. Many people "overwater" the Sansevieria, not following the rule that it should be watered only when the soil dries out. Overwatering can lead to root rot due to excess moisture. Yellowing of the leaves can indicate this problem. Therefore, you should also pay attention to drainage to prevent water from stagnating in the pot.
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Temperature conditions are important for sansevieria. It grows well in a temperature range of +15.5 to +24°C, but not less than +10°C. It is important to avoid temperature extremes and places where the plant may be too cold or too hot.
Sansevieria can also be attacked by pests such as mealybugs and spider mites. To prevent their influence, it is important to regularly check the plant for pests and, if necessary, perform their mechanical removal and insecticide treatment.
Recall, we have already written about the top-6 immortal indoor plants that even children can cope with.
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