Three places where you need to touch the mirror to attract good luck

Since ancient times, the mirror was treated in a special way, endowing it with mystical powers. This item was considered a portal between worlds, so it needs to be placed in the right place.
So that luck does not bypass your home, it is allowed to hang the mirror in several places. At the same time, in no case is it recommended to place it in the bedroom, opposite the bed. It is believed that a sleeping person cannot be reflected in a mirror.
Read also: Five things that attract luck and money
Where to place a mirror so that it attracts good luck to the house
1. It is best to place the mirror next to the dining table, where the whole family gathers.
2. In the corridor, but in such a way that the front door was not reflected in the mirror.
3. The mirror should be placed in such a place that something with positive energy is constantly reflected there. It can be fresh flowers, paintings, money talismans. This is how you will attract luck, money and well-being to your home.
Read also: What not to do with the door, so as not to cause illness and money problems
We will remind that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine played a significant role in the formation of the cultural identity of the country. Therefore, UAportal talks about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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