Top 9 beneficial properties of medical cannabis

Medical cannabis improves the quality of life, mental and physical health of patients with severe chronic illnesses, according to the latest research made by Australian scientists in 2023. Different expert data prove the benefits of medical cannabis in the treatment of PTSD, chronic fatigue, anxiety disorders, and depression.
Why can medical marijuana be a lifesaver for millions of people?
Top beneficial properties confirmed by clinical studies.
Increases tone, eliminates pain and anxiety - Australian scientists
Scientists at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health made an investigation involving 2,327 Australian patients with chronic diseases who took medical cannabis - THC and CBD dissolved in the triglyceride carrier oil. The therapy period lasted from November 2020 to December 2021. The therapy was aimed at treating chronic pain (69%), insomnia (23%), anxiety and depression (22%). Patients were interviewed about quality of life, pain intensity, sleep quality, anxiety, and depression before starting the cannabis therapy, after two weeks of treatment, and then once a month for three months.
The participants reported clinically significant improvements in quality of life and health, noting the effectiveness of medical cannabis:
- for general weakness and chronic fatigue;
- to eliminate severe chronic pain;
- for moderate and severe anxiety and depression.
The authors did not measure side effects in the study, although 30 patients formally withdrew from the investgation due to unwanted side effects. Nevertheless, these results show that medical cannabis can be an effective treatment for previously incurable chronic diseases.
"During the first three months of medical cannabis therapy, participants reported improvements in health-related quality of life, such as reduced fatigue, anxiety, depression, and physical pain," the authors affirmed.
Treats anxiety disorders and depression
The calming properties of CBD make it possible to widely use medical cannabis in psychiatry. In a 2017 investigation, Brazilian psychiatrists tested the anxiety levels of 57 men in a simulated public address. Some participants were given a placebo, while others received 150 mg, 300 mg, or 600 mg of CBD before their speeches. Those who took 300 mg of CBD experienced significantly less anxiety during the test compared to those who received a placebo. Interestingly, participants who received 150 mg or 600 mg of CBD experienced more anxiety during the test than the 300 mg group. Another investigation made on mice showed that CBD has an effect similar to the antidepressant imipramine.
Effectiveness for epilepsy
Medical cannabis has also been successfully used to treat epileptic seizures. In 2018, the FDA approved the use of CBD under the brand name Epidiolex for the treatment of seizures caused by epilepsy. In several investigations involving 516 patients with epilepsy, participants received Epidiolex or a placebo. The drug with CBD significantly reduced the frequency of seizures compared to a placebo.
Reduces the symptoms of PTSD
A 2018 investigation by American scientists showed the high effectiveness of medical cannabis in the complex treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Patients received CBD along with psychiatric care for eight weeks in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. Ten of the 11 patients experienced a reduction in PTSD symptoms, and the CBD was tolerated without side effects. Four other investigations conducted from 2012 to 2016 show that CBD reduces thesymptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. According to scientists, the use of THC and CBD in combination demonstrates high efficiency in the treatment of PTSD.
Treats drug addiction
Many scientists suggest that CBD can be used for people with drug and alcohol addiction. In one such investigation, researchers gave CBD to drug addicts who had been using heroin for many years. Within a week, CBD significantly reduced cravings for heroin, withdrawal anxiety, resting heart rate, and salivary cortisol levels. The researchers did not find any serious side effects. Other investigations show that CBD helps to reduce various psychiatric and medical symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and pain in patients with substance and alcohol use disorders.
Relieves symptoms of paralysis in ALS
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the disease that causes the destruction of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to loss of muscle control and paralysis. According to several investigations, complex therapy with THC and CBD has a pronounced therapeutic effect on ALS patients. Patients with mild, moderate, and severe muscle spasticity reported a high level of satisfaction with the treatment with medical cannabis-based products.
Eliminates unbearable pain
Several investigations by American scientists show that CBD is effective in treating chronic pain. In a 2020 investigation, researchers gave CBD to the group of patients with symptomatic peripheral neuropathy (the result of nerve damage to the brain and spinal cord), while another group with the same condition received a placebo. Patients who were given CBD experienced a significant reduction in intense, acute pain compared to those who used a placebo. None of the participants reported any adverse side effects.
Alleviates diabetes complications
Tests on human cells showed that medical cannabis helps reduce the effects of high glucose levels on other cells in the body, which usually precedes the development of diabetes and various complications. The researchers concluded that CBD could have significant benefits in the treatment of diabetes. In another small investigation, 13 patients with type 2 diabetes were treated with CBD and a placebo instead of insulin. The researchers found that medical cannabis reduced resistin levels and increased levels of insulinotropic peptide, a hormone that enables the release of insulin from digested food. These results show that CBD can be a natural treatment for diabetes.
Protection against neurological diseases
Numerous studies have already proven the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. Researchers believe that these characteristics may provide protection against numerous neurological diseases. Several preclinical investigations have proved that CBD has a therapeutic effect on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, multiple sclerosis. Hemp is one of the most controversial, legendary plants that humans have been using for over 3000 years. It has been used to weave thick cloth and ropes, make natural cosmetics, sew clothes and shoes, and its grains have been used to bake bread and sweet pastries. Today, cannabis is so controversial that the plant is still strictly prohibited in many countries, even in the field of medicine.
Nevertheless, numerous scientific studies prove the benefits of medical cannabis and the absence of side effects in the treatment of various diseases, including mental disorders, diabetes, acute pain, drug and alcohol addiction.