Top 6 reasons to make your bed every morning: you'll be surprised

From an early age, we are taught that when you get out of bed, you should make it. This habit instils discipline in us from childhood. However, this is not the only reason.
This is what radiotrek writes about.
So, why is it important to make your bed?
For deep sleep
An interesting study was conducted by American scientists who found that people who are used to making their beds every day sleep better than those who do not follow this routine. The study involved 1.5 thousand people, and those who paid attention to the bed did not complain about sleep problems.
To improve life in general
Habit influences us and disciplines us. Studies have shown that daily routine has an impact on the areas of the brain responsible for self-control, social relationships, and even financial stability.
To extend the life of your bed linen
Interestingly, even the American Institute of Home Science recommends making your bed every day. This can reduce wrinkles, creases and, as a result, wear and tear on pillows and linen.
In addition, this simple habit can help you save money on a new set.
For a sense of happiness and peace of mind
The author of The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin, conducted a survey among her readers to find out what makes them happy and calm. It turned out that keeping your home tidy helps you feel more comfortable. A well-maintained bed also contributes to a sense of calm and happiness.
To get your thoughts in order
Many psychologists around the world have conducted research on the relationship between cleanliness and mental health. If it's hard to get things in perfect order right away, start with habits. Dusting, folding, and making your bed will help to clean the space around you.
It has been shown that order at home contributes to order in the mind.
Read also: How to easily improve sleep quality: the right schedule and a minimum of caffeine
To overcome insomnia
How can you connect the dots? However, American researchers have found an interesting connection: a well-made bed helps to overcome insomnia. It works simply: make your bed only for nighttime sleep. And when the bed is made, you are less likely to lie on it to spend time on social media.
As a reminder, we've already written about how to set up a bed in the bedroom to ensure health and good sleep.
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