Good Friday: what is the removal of the shroud and what are the prohibitions on this day

Good Friday is a Christian holiday in which believers commemorate the Passion of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. On this day, in many churches, the Shroud is carried out - a cloth that symbolizes the wrapping in which Jesus Christ was wrapped after His death on the cross. According to legend, the image of Jesus remained on the canvas, formed by the imprint of His body during the Resurrection. The faithful approach the Holy Shroud with piety and kiss it.
Good Friday is the strictest day in Holy Week. This day is associated with the celebration of Easter, so its date changes every year. In 2023, Good Friday will be celebrated on April 14.
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How to celebrate Good Friday
On this day, in many churches, the full service of God is not held, but the Vespers with the removal of the Shroud is held instead. This is the only day of the year when such an exodus occurs. The procession with the Shroud consists of three rounds around the church, during which priests or senior parishioners carry the shroud. After the last round, the Shroud is placed on the table in the middle of the church. After that, believers approach her to worship.
In Galicia, a special ritual takes place on Good Friday. Instead of ordinary bells, a wooden clapper is played in churches, which strikes a wooden board instead of a bell. This is done to remind believers about the service of God. Children also join in this ritual using special rattles.
After the Shroud is removed, the faithful return home to celebrate Good Friday. This day is a fast, and therefore many Christians refuse meat dishes and limit their diet. Also on this day, many people visit the church, where they can take part in special rituals and prayers.
Some believers spend this day in silence and prayer, thinking about the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind. It can also be a day of retreat when believers take stock of their lives and reflect on their sins. In any case, Good Friday is an important day for Christians when they remember the tragic death of Jesus Christ and express their respect and gratitude for his sacrifice.
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Traditions and Customs of Good Friday
In many regions, Good Friday is a day for bakers. Even if the church recommends completing preparations for Easter on Maundy Thursday, folk beliefs recommend dyeing eggs and baking Easter on Friday.
Be sure to read the prayer "Our Father" before work, and then, when they say "Lord, bless", start kneading the dough. It should also be remembered that the paska should be lush and tasty, no one should see the dough, and when it is baked in the oven, you should not talk loudly and slam the door.
It is strictly forbidden to work at home on this day. Cleaning must be completed on Maundy Thursday. Those who are engaged in washing, cleaning, and sewing on this day take upon themselves a great sin - it is only necessary to fast and pray, remembering the sufferings of Christ.
It is considered a great sin to work on the land. Nothing can be planted on this day. They say that if you sow wheat or plant anything on this day, there will be no harvest.
On Good Friday, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and carnal pleasures. People who get drunk on this day risk becoming alcoholics. Children who were conceived on Good Friday are born sick or become criminals in the future.
In order to maintain health, it is necessary to give up on Good Friday the hair shaft and visits to beauty salons. It is also not recommended to open in the morning, because on this day the spiritual forces of a person are most vulnerable.
Read also: Maundy Thursday: traditions and Prohibitions of the Easter Holiday
In many churches, special services are held on Good Friday in which Christ's sufferings are remembered. It can be the Stations of the Cross, Vespers with the felting of the shroud, or other rites that reflect the deep meaning of Easter.
In some countries, such as Spain, religious processions are held on this day using symbolic images such as the cross and figures of Jesus Christ.
In general, Good Friday is a day of great regret and sorrow for the suffering of Christ, as well as an opportunity to prepare for the most important Christian holiday - Easter. On this day, it is important to remember spiritual values, pray and strive for spiritual growth.
We will remind you that earlier it became known when Ukraine will celebrate Easter 2023 and whether there will be an additional weekend for the holiday.
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