Good Friday 2023: prayers and prohibitions of the strictest day before Easter

Good Friday 2022 is the day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ on Calvary almost two thousand years ago. This day is the most sorrowful day of Holy Week when believers remember the sacrifice of the Son of God, express gratitude for it, and repent of their sins that led to Christ's crucifixion.
Read also: Palm Sunday 2023: traditions and prohibitions of the holiday
Prohibitions of Good Friday
One of the questions that Ukrainians are often interested in is the possibility of cleaning on Good Friday. The answer to this question is unequivocal: no. It has always been customary to complete all household chores on Maundy Thursday, and on the Friday before Easter, no physical work should be undertaken.
It is also not recommended to work on the ground, as it is forbidden to "pierce" the ground with iron objects. Our ancestors observed this rule, in particular, during spring work in the garden. It is worth remembering that everything that is sown or planted on Good Friday will not be born, so it is better to refrain from work and not sin.
Another important rite on Good Friday is fasting. On this day, believers abstain from food, observing fasting. If health does not allow strict fasting, you can limit yourself to fasting food.
Finally, do not entertain or be merry on Easter Friday. Singing, dancing, and other entertainment are best postponed until the end of the fast. Folk wisdom says for a reason: "Whoever laughs on Good Friday will cry all year."
Prayers for Good Friday
Prayer for the forgiveness of sins
Lord Almighty, hear me, the servant of God (name), forgive me my sins because I sincerely repent of them.
Let me work diligently and lead a righteous life according to Your commandments.
Give me the opportunity to pray to You, to be kind in word and deed towards others.
Teach me how to refrain from demonic temptations so that I do nothing bad and do no harm to anyone. I ask for your forgiveness and advice. Amen.
Prayer of repentance for sins
I turn to You, my God, my Father, I am God's servant (name) with a request for forgiveness of all my sins.
I am very sorry that at certain moments in my life, I turned away from you, but I remember that in such a difficult time I still felt Your support. I strive for understanding and show my love in this sincere prayer, coming from the bottom of my soul.
I am asking you, Lord, for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for the sake of the happy life of all people, forgive me all my sins, known and unknown, committed in moments of despair or out of ignorance.
Almighty Father, I know that by my sins I have offended all the Higher Powers, and I have also offended many pious people on earth. Accept at this moment my sincere promises that I will lead a righteous life and show my love for my neighbors.
I ask for the help and support of the Holy Spirit to show me the right way of life to serve other people. Amen.
Prayer for the removal of the shroud
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who bestows mercy and generosity, your mercy is immeasurable, and your love for humanity is immense.
We believe in You and bow down to Your Majesty with fear and spiritual awe. We consider ourselves Your unworthy slaves, we offer boundless gratitude for Your graces granted to us.
We honor You as the Lord, Lord of the world and our benefactor, we glorify You, we praise You, we offer a prayer for mercy, falling again, thank You!
Hear our prayer and let us grow in love for You, for our neighbors, and lead a virtuous life. Amen.
We will remind you that earlier it became known when Ukraine will celebrate Easter 2023 and whether there will be an additional weekend for the holiday.
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