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Several signs can serve as danger signals in your home. Such bad omens should be taken into account to be prepared for possible trouble.
UNIAN shared how to protect yourself from the consequences of these signs.
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Bad omens in a house or apartment
The sudden appearance of insects, such as cockroaches, ants or bedbugs, can be a warning of possible health problems for one of the residents.
A stopped clock may be a warning of money difficulties or health problems.
A torn or fallen curtain can portend possible disputes with neighbors.
A dried-up plant in the room can be associated with an increase in bad luck and trouble.
A broken or cracked mirror can symbolize illness, poor health and problems in your personal life.
According to superstition, a light bulb that goes out almost after purchase can cause quarrels between a husband and wife.
Superstitions associated with certain actions in the kitchen
A broken plate or cup can symbolize danger or trouble. You need to be careful with the fragments and avoid touching them with your hands.
If the cutlery is cracked in your hands, superstition says that this may indicate negative thoughts or plans for the owners of the house.
If a knife or fork accidentally falls while setting the table, superstition has it that it can attract guests.
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Lending salt to someone may be associated with losing your own happiness and good luck.
Leaving the knife in the bread after slicing can lead to negative consequences; superstitions link this action to hunger and unhappiness.
Throwing bread crumbs off the table with your hand can also be associated with increased poverty.
Good signs associated with cutlery
According to one of the signs, if you put two spoons in a saucepan and they cross, you may soon get married.
Accidentally crossed knives while setting the table can promise you a trip.
We would like to remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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