You will become poor: Why you shouldn't put empty bottles on the table

Almost all of us have heard the phrase "don't put an empty bottle on the table". This strange superstition raises interesting thoughts and questions, but there seems to be a rational explanation for this folk wisdom.
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Often we are told that leaving an empty bottle on the table can attract insufficiency and poverty in our lives, writes Glavred. This belief can manifest itself both in material circumstances and on a spiritual level. And another aspect is that it is better not to leave empty vessels, including plates, salad bowls or cups, on the dining table. It is also believed that a house where empty bottles are placed is threatened with a lack of money and prosperity.
Folk beliefs state that unopened empty bottles can become a refuge for negative energy, i.e. "pollute" the space around them. Therefore, putting them on the table is a verbal prohibition of this action, which can have a negative impact.
You can also hear the opinion that the presence of empty bottles on the table can be a hint to guests that it's time to say goodbye.
The historical aspect of this superstition has roots in the past. In the early 19th century, in France, Ukrainian Cossacks studied the benefits of certain billing techniques, when the amount of the bill was determined by the number of empty bottles left on the table. To reduce the amount of the bill, the Cossacks skilfully used the technique of using only a part of the bottles.
In addition to the symbolic aspect, there is a practical side to this prohibition. Empty bottles on the table can get in the way, take up extra space and create barriers to convenient service. In addition, they are less stable, which can lead to unintentional damage and breakage of other tableware.
It is worth reminding that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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