Experts shared how to quickly clean a room in a few minutes

Many people might consider regular short cleaning a waste of time. However, cleaning experts say that this approach is ineffective. By postponing cleaning, you risk spending much more time dealing with dried food stains, ink, mold, and rust. Contaminants removed promptly will not be as troublesome.
This was reported by
Instead of just dusting, pay attention to glass doors to prevent buildup. Some places require constant attention, such as the shelves in the refrigerator, where stains from drinks or food can appear within a week. It is easier to remove them immediately than to wait for a general cleaning.
When cleaning your home, don't forget about hard-to-reach places under the bed and behind cabinets. Vacuum them and check curtains, baseboards, and radiators to reduce the amount of dust on the surfaces.
Try to use a vacuum cleaner instead of sweeping. Don't leave windows and doors open for extended periods as this can lead to an excessive amount of dust in the room. If ventilation is necessary, consider installing a fine-mesh window screen.
Read also: A blogger talks about 6 cleaning life hacks that don't work and only make things worse
Note that you don't need to use chlorine and cleaning solvents used in professional cleaning. A simple detergent concentrate with good surfactants can be quite effective for home use. Although high-quality products may cost a little more, they save time.
Try incorporating these simple, practical tips into your daily routine, and you'll have plenty of free time for your own hobbies and relaxation.
As a reminder, we've already written about the cleaning tips that every housewife should know.
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