They will agree in the garden: why you should not throw away banana skins

If you like to tinker around in the garden and fertilize your plants mostly or entirely with organic fertilizers, you should stock up on banana peels. They contain potassium, magnesium, and iron, which will promote plant growth.
Peels from these fruits are used as fertilizer for indoor flowers, seedlings, or garden plants. Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplants, or potatoes can be fertilized with them.
Read also: How to properly use eggshell fertilizers for plants
And experienced gardeners advise digging up skins from bananas to rose bushes, begonias, and citrus fruits.
The skins can be buried under the plants whole or cut. And pour soil on top.
You can also put skins in the pits where garden flowers, trees, or bushes will be planted. They say that this way you will ensure abundant flowering of plants.
Home pots can be fed with dried and grated banana skins - then they will not be covered with mold under the roots of the plants.
We will remind you that UAportal reported how to fertilize plants in the garden with the help of eggshells.
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