Six things that should never be thrown in the trash

Not all items and substances can be simply taken and thrown into the trash. After all, toxic substances and chemicals can get into the environment.
Many people are supporters of an eco-friendly approach to living, so they sort their garbage. UAportal tells you what should never be thrown into the trash.
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1. Batteries. If batteries are simply thrown into the trash, harmful chemicals can get into the water and soil. Over time, this leads to serious health problems. Therefore, special battery collection points are being set up in Ukraine.
2. Light bulbs. Halogen and incandescent light bulbs can be recycled and are considered non-toxic, but not energy-saving bulbs. If you decide to throw away a light bulb, put it in a box or paper bag.
3. Medications. Medications should be reviewed every six months, and expired medications should be disposed of. Medications should also be taken to recycling centers, and if you throw them away, pour out the contents.
4. Hair and wool. Wool and human hair contain nitrogen, which is suitable for fertilizing the earth. Therefore, it can be collected in a compost pit.
5. Household chemicals. Household chemicals contain hazardous chemical compounds that should not be thrown into a common tank or even flushed down the drain.
6. Grease. Do not pour grease residues into the trash can or sink. This can cause a serious blockage. Reuse the fat by collecting it and refrigerating it.
Remember that the sewer system is not rubber, and it can get clogged. Pay attention to the 7 things that should not be flushed or thrown away.
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