6 dog breeds that are most dangerous to humans

Dogs are one of the most loved pets, but some of them are really dangerous and unpredictable. Some canines may only display aggressive behaviour in certain stressful situations or due to factors such as breed, background and upbringing.
Sante Plus points out that the causes of dog anger can vary. However, you should avoid generalisations about breeds and carefully consider the individuality of each dog.
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Although there is no breed of dog that is actually supposed to be aggressive towards people, some breeds are more prone to aggressive behaviour than others. The most dangerous are Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Akitas, Chow Chows, Dobermans, and German Shepherds. These dogs have a strong defensive reaction and can be very aggressive if their loved ones are in danger.

This dog is extremely fierce and really scary. 2000 years ago, Rottweilers were "in the service" of the Roman army and fought alongside the legionnaires.
They also behave the way they were taught to do. There are extremely obedient dogs of this breed who love their owner, but if they have to defend him or his house, they will not hesitate to attack.
Pit Bull

This animal is not cruel, but it is difficult to train. Perhaps that is why it is one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
Very strong, with an extremely developed jaw, it can be trained to kill and defend its territory/home.
A pit bull can be good to anyone, but if it is trained to attack a person, anyone can become a victim. Unfortunately, when people feel threatened, they run away and therefore become prey in the eyes of a pit bull.

This dog can be dangerous, but it does not depend on the animal. However, a lot is decided by its socialisation and the training method chosen by the owner.
The American Akita is a popular breed for all dog lovers because they usually make their owners feel very secure.
Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is an ancient dog breed originating in China. Its name in Chinese is "Sunshi Chuan" ("chow lion dog").
A Chinese bas-relief dating back to 150 BC depicts a lion chasing a dog that looks like this breed. The Chow Chow is an excellent watchdog. It is a very beautiful dog, but it has a serious drawback: it gets nervous very easily. It is a dog that is known to bite. It is the only dog that bites its owner when it is very angry. It is very difficult to train. And in Stanley Coren's ranking of the smartest dogs, the Chow Chow ranks 76th out of 79 listed dog breeds.

Dobermans are affectionate animals, but they have the physical ability to be dangerous if they need to be (they are large, strong and have a powerful bite). Therefore, this breed of dog is considered aggressive, although in reality they are simply loyal defenders and are usually dangerous only to those who threaten their loved ones.
German Shepherd Dog

Known for its intelligence and for often being a police dog, the German Shepherd is an animal that is always looking for its home and its family, to whom it is very attentive.
The dog guards the entire house and loves to take care of its owners. However, ferocious German Shepherds are really only ferocious because they have been abused, trained by their owner to attack, or simply because they are hungry. Indeed, hungry animals fight for food.
Earlier, UAportal wrote how to help animals around us survive the period of intense heat, when thermometers rise to record levels.
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