
Six basic rules for caring for indoor plants in the fall

Maria Tsikhotska

Six basic rules for caring for indoor plants in the fall
Indoor plants need special care in autumn

In the fall, indoor plants also need proper care and preparation for winter. TSN provided details about caring for indoor plants.

Humidified air

Increased air humidity is an important criterion, especially when in many private homes the heating is already on at the end of September, which leads to dry air. Indoor plants are particularly affected by this, as many of them require high humidity levels. This is especially important for tropical plants that are used to a different microclimate. Using a humidifier or spraying the plants regularly can help balance the humidity.

Read also: How to make homemade fertilizer for gardening in the fall

It is important to take care of balanced moisture the day before. Also, move plants that need additional moisture closer together.


With the arrival of autumn, the temperature drops rapidly, and this sudden change can be harmful to many plants. Heat-loving plants that used to be on the balcony should be moved to a warm room. Move them during the day when the sun is not too active.


Repotting indoor plants is also important, especially for those that have grown in the summer and have already become large. This is usually done in early fall, when the plants enter a dormant period. Choose pots 2-3 cm larger than the previous ones.

When transplanting, carefully check the root system of the plants, removing damaged parts and treating the roots with activated charcoal if necessary for disinfection.


The change of season is the best time to preventively treat plants from pests that can settle among the leaves during the summer. It is especially important to treat flowers that have spent the summer outside. Be careful when handling and do not touch the inflorescences. Be sure to follow the instructions for the products.


Autumn brings a reduction in daylight hours, which negatively affects indoor plants. Installing special phytolamps can help plants that need more light.


As the season changes, so do the watering and fertilizing needs of flowers. Houseplants enter a dormant period, so watering and fertilizing can be done less frequently. Also, limit spraying if the air humidity is already balanced.

During this period, plants accumulate strength for the next season.

As a reminder, we have already written how to apply mineral fertilizers correctly.

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