The easiest way to root roses from a bouquet

Roses are beautiful flowers that delight us with their appearance and aroma. However, when a bouquet of roses fades, we usually throw it away.
Did you know that you can root a rose and grow a new plant? Rooting a rose is not a complicated process.
Read also: Why you shouldn't throw away wilted roses: a life hack for gardeners
For this you will need:
- A sharp knife
- Water
- Honey or aloe juice
- A container for water
- Flowerpot with soil
- Cut off the top of the rose with a sharp knife.
- Leave a cutting about 25 cm long and remove all the leaves from it.
- Wax the top cut. Trim the bottom one a little.
- Dissolve 1 tsp of honey in 1 liter of water. Immerse the cuttings in the solution by 1/3 and leave for 12 hours. Then put the cuttings in a container of water so that they are halfway in the water.
- Put the cutting in water and add 10 drops of fresh aloe juice. Monitor the water level, as it should reach 1/2 of the cutting.
- Add another 5-7 drops of aloe juice 10 days after. Keep the cuttings in water or aloe juice until the roots appear. This can take from 2 to 4 weeks.
As soon as the roots appear, transplant the cuttings into a pot of soil. Water the plant regularly and care for it as for a regular rose.
By following these simple steps, you can root any flower you like.
We have already written about what to do to make flowers last longer.
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