Roses in the garden will suffer greatly if they are not cared for in a certain way

The arrival of October means that many garden chores need to be completed by the start of the harsh winter months. If gardeners care for their roses in the fall, the plants will survive the winter safely.
The main jobs to care for roses in the fall are cleaning, removing blooms or diseased foliage and pruning. This is reported by
Bush roses are likely to grow very tall. Long stems should be cut back by a third of the current height immediately.
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Try to cut rose stems just above the bud that is facing outward where possible. Conditions that can severely damage these uncut long stems are windy winter weather.
It is also important to thin out the heads of standard roses, as their rounded heads can catch the wind and even break off completely during a severe storm. Gardeners should also cut off any wet, shriveled rose flowers to prevent rotting during the month.
Collect and trash any leaves that show signs of disease, such as mold or black spot. Also pick up any infected leaves that have fallen to the ground, as they can carry disease from year to year.
Recall, we have already written about the universal remedy for feeding flowers.
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