Ritual sacrifice in Germany's Woodhenge: dozens of women and children killed and thrown into a ditch

During archaeological work in the German city of Pemmel, which is called the "German Stonehenge", it was discovered that people were sacrificed in the Bronze Age.
This is reported by Archaelogy.
The structure consists of concentric rings of ancient ditches and mounds. It resembles the British Stonehenge, the only difference being that in Germany, the pillars are wooden rather than stone. That is why it was called Woodhenge.
During excavations on the site, archaeologists discovered the burials of several men, as well as the remains of several dozen women and children with traces of violent death, which were thrown into the ditch. They were probably sacrificed.
Radiocarbon analysis has shown that Woodhenge was used between 2400 and 2050 BC. That is, simultaneously with Stonehenge.
In addition, excavations have shown that there was a settlement with a population of a thousand people in the vicinity of the complex: 65 rectangular houses ranging in size from 15 to 30 metres. They were orientated from west to east, and all had doors facing south.
As a reminder, 4000-year-old sarcophagi on legs were found in India.
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