Five things that you should never lend to your neighbors.

Some things are simply not meant to be lent to neighbors because they can bring bad luck and financial problems.
Read the UAportal article to find out what kind of items we are talking about. Among them: are money, clothes, bread, salt, etc.
Read also: Five gifts that should not be given or received
1. Money. You shouldn't lend money if it's your last. This also applies if you still have money on your card. It can lead to financial trouble.
However, you can lend money to a wealthy person for a short time. When the money is returned, they may share their financial success with you.
It is also forbidden to borrow money in the evening or at night on Monday, after sunset, before major holidays, or on the birthday of a family member, especially children.
If a close relative has gone on a trip, it is forbidden to lend or borrow money on that day.
See also: It's not just about money - why you can't whistle at home
2. Bread and salt. Folklore suggests that you shouldn't give away the last piece of bread from home because it's seen as a sign of poverty. Do not give bread from the doorstep, and do not give it away after sunset, as it may lead to misunderstandings in the family.
Salt is also considered energetically powerful and can attract other people's troubles to your home, work, or personal life. If your neighbors ask for salt, just give it to them and don't take it back.
3. Clothes. Personal belongings absorb the energy of their owners. You can take such clothes only if you are sure that the person has good intentions.
If you need clothes, you should give a few coins for them. This way you can avoid negativity.
4. Dishes. If your neighbors need something, you can refuse, give it to them, or sell it for money. You shouldn't just lend it out, as it may bring trouble to your home.
Read also: What to do if you spill salt and what it means
5. A broom. This item is a powerful tool for energy purification. Our ancestors believed that it was forbidden to borrow a broom. Borrowing one could deprive the house of protection and attract trouble.
Earlier, UAportal wrote about why you shouldn't give flowers in a pot, as well as about signs and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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