Five catch words that repel money and attract problems

Some words repel money and attract poverty. Therefore, in order not to lose your savings, you need to abandon these words and use them as little as possible.
The power of words can change the present and even the future. Don't use them, and money and success won't run away from you.
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1. "Poor". You shouldn't cry the blues and use this word for yourself or your family. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will really become poor, and attract failures and debts.
2. "No." This word leads to failure. It should be replaced with "It won't work this time" or "I'm sorry, but...".
In order for the Universe to meet you and give you something, you have to give something yourself. If you often say "No," you will not be able to achieve success yourself.
3. "Master". Never call your employer "boss". You should also not name your landlord like this in your phone. This affects your financial success and self-determination.
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4. "Must". Don't use this word and don't say "How much do I owe you?" in a store. That's because in this way you drive yourself into debt on a subconscious level, as words have a special power.
5. "Love", "money" and other variants. Call money money, and don't talk about it in a disparaging way. You may belittle yourself as well by doing so. Call money "money", "wealth", but not "cabbage".
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