Psychologists named the top 4 phrases that give away a tyrant man

Often we start dating a person without knowing who they really are. But there are some phrases that are red flags in a relationship. Pay attention to them to protect yourself from mental trauma.
This is what Radiotrack writes about.
Shut up" and "calm down":
These words are dangerous because they are often uttered in anger or irritation. In addition, these statements are not only aggressive, but also humiliate the feelings and emotions of another person. This can be a sign of emotional abuse.
"My mother told me/ warned me":
In a relationship between partners, it is important to be on the same page and support each other. A phrase that indicates the intervention of a third party, such as the partner's mother, may indicate that the relationship is not properly centered on the two.
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"You are just like your mother":
This phrase tries to summarize the negative traits of not only you, but also your family. While some commonalities between family may be natural, a generalized negative conclusion of the entire family is unfair.
"I don't care":
If your partner says he or she doesn't care about something, it can put the onus on you and indicate a refusal to take an active role in the relationship.
It is also a signal of your partner's lack of interest or concern for you.
As a reminder, we have already written about how to make difficult decisions.
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