A voracious slug that completely eats a mushroom was caught on video

Slugs are invertebrates that belong to the class of gastropods. They have soft bodies covered with mucus.
They are herbivores that feed on plants. They use their radula, which is a mouth with teeth on it, to cut their food into small pieces. Slugs can eat leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
Read also: Four natural remedies to save your garden from slugs
Meanwhile, one of the social media users filmed a slug eating mushrooms. And he did it quite amusingly: the slippery creature swallowed the mushroom's cap and then its leg in a matter of seconds.
"I like how he makes sure to eat the whole stem. He's a little vacuum cleaner. The voracity that the mushroom causes in this slug is what French fries do to me," the author's subscribers commented on this video.
We offer you to learn about natural remedies that will help get rid of slugs in the garden.
As a reminder, slugs and snails harm gardens by destroying seedlings and eating the leaves of large plants. There are chemical solutions that act as effective repellents, but there is a more natural way to get rid of pests.
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