A simple way to preserve garlic for the winter so it doesn't sprout and wither away

Garlic is a versatile vegetable crop that is widely used in cooking. To keep garlic well stored until spring, it is important to follow some rules.
Here are some tips on how to preserve garlic for the winter:
- Dig garlic up in a dry weather when it is fully ripe.
- Dry garlic in the sun or a well-ventilated area.
- Store garlic in a dark, cool place.
- The optimum storage temperature for garlic is between 0 and +4 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, garlic is preserved for 6-8 months.
Read also: How to properly store onions in the apartment so that they do not rot
So that garlic does not sprout, it can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, garlic should be placed in a plastic bag or a box and put in the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
To keep the garlic from going stale, you should check on it regularly and remove any sprouted cloves.
Here are some additional tips to help you preserve garlic for the winter.
- Garlic can be stored in the husk or peeled.
- If you store garlic in the husk, it should be turned periodically so that it dries evenly.
- Garlic can be stored in boxes with sand or ash. The sand or ash will help absorb excess moisture.
- Garlic can be stored in a box with onions. Onions release substances that prevent garlic from sprouting.
Method of storage in the refrigerator
If you store garlic with other vegetables in the refrigerator, it may sprout faster because the vegetable contain too much moisture. However, if it's too dry of a place, the garlic will start to dry out.
Try taking a few heads of garlic, dividing them into cloves and peeling them from the husks. Then take a small airtight glass jar and put some rice in the bottom. Place the garlic cloves on top and place in the refrigerator. Your garlic will stay fresh and flavorful longer.
You can put the garlic in a cloth bag, in which you should put some onion husks. This will protect the garlic from pests and diseases and help it stay fresh longer.
You can pickle garlic. Put the peeled garlic cloves in a sealed jar and pour vinegar (9%). Store the jar in the refrigerator with the lid tightly screwed on.
You can freeze garlic. If you freeze peeled garlic cloves, it will retain it's flavor for two months. Another way of freezing will help to preserve the flavor of garlic longer - up to 6 months. To do this, crush the garlic cloves and put the puree into ice molds. Put them in the freezer for 8 hours, then remove them from the mold and put them in a polyethylene ziplock bag.
Recall, we have already written what to do so that onions do not begin to rot quickly.
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