A simple and affordable tool will help get rid of slugs without aggressive chemicals

Slugs can be harmful to gardeners and summer residents. These creatures will quickly destroy the crop.
Getting rid of slugs is often a time-consuming and difficult task. However, there is a proven and affordable method to get rid of pests without aggressive chemicals, writes Express.co.uk.
Slugs are believed to be unable to resist the smell of beer, making it an ideal trap bait. For this method, gardeners will need a plastic glass or container and a bottle of beer.
Read also: Four natural remedies to save the garden from slugs
Bury the cup halfway in the soil near the plants that are attacked by the pests and fill it halfway with beer. Lured by the smell of beer, the slugs will fall into the cup.
When the slugs drown in the beer, dig a hole next to the bowl, throw away the contents, and quickly fill it in. This way you can get rid of the remains without spreading the stench.
As a reminder, slugs and snails harm gardens by destroying seedlings and eating the leaves of large plants. There are chemical solutions that act as effective repellents, but there is a more natural way to get rid of pests.
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