Just dip it in the solution: how to undshrink a wool sweater

There's always a way to make things right even when your favorite wool sweater shrunk after a wash. During the cold season, there's nothing better than a warm and cozy wool sweater to keep you warm.
The fear that it might change its shape after washing can lead to insecurity. However, do not worry, as this unpleasant situation can be solved easily and effectively, santeplus writes.
Read also: Why you should not wash clothes in hot water
Of course, the best way to avoid changing the shape of a sweater is to hand wash it. However, you don't always have the time and desire to do so. Don't panic, there is a little lifehack that will help you solve this problem.
How to restore the shape of a shrunken wool sweater
The amazing properties of milk, such as moisturizing the skin and softening the wool, can help in this situation thanks to its nutritional properties.
Fill a large basin with milk and immerse your shrunken sweater in it. The amount of milk you will need will depend on the size or number of garments. Leave the sweater in the milk for at least an hour, wring it out, spread it out on a towel and spin it to remove excess moisture.
Finally, place it on a flat surface and pull it up while it's still damp to restore it to its original shape. Now your favorite sweater is ready to keep you warm and comfortable again.
Earlier, we wrote about the washing machine mode that is best not to use so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing to prevent mold and bad smells from appearing in the washing machine.
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