You will bring trouble: what you should never do in the evening

Signs and superstitions have a long history. In the evening and at night, people especially believed in omens because they were sure that evil spirits woke up at this time.
There are many superstitions and signs associated with the dark period of the day. UaPortal will familiarize you with some of them.
Do not lend money
In the old days, it was believed that lending money in the evening was a sign of financial loss. This principle also applies in the opposite direction: if you borrow money after sunset, you will remain in debt for a long time.
Do not leave dirty dishes overnight
Leaving dirty dishes overnight can lead to monetary losses. It was believed that dirty dishes were a manifestation of disrespect for the housekeeper, who could get angry and bring bad luck.
Do not look in the mirror at night
In the old days, it was believed that at night you could see the other world in the mirror and summon guests from there.
Do not take out the trash at night
They believed that taking out the garbage at night meant losing money.
Do not leave a knife on the table
Leaving a knife on the table at night can bring on illness and trouble.
Do not clean at night
Cleaning at night can bring bad luck and loss of money to your home. Washing the floor at night washes away good luck, love and prosperity.
Read also: Why you need to sit before the road.
You can't cut your hair or shave
Our ancestors believed that if a man shaved at night, it would lead to failures in love. And if a girl cuts her hair, she will have problems in her personal life.
As a reminder, we've already written why you shouldn't shake hands across the threshold.
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