Parrot in New Zealand unwittingly became a video blogger after stealing a camera (video)

In New Zealand, a couple of tourists, the Verheuls, were on vacation in Fiordland National Park. When they were staying in a hut near the Kepler Trail, several kea parrots, quite rare birds in New Zealand, flew up to them.
So the tourists decided to take advantage of this unique opportunity and took out a camera to film the birds. They set up a GoPro on the balcony railing and filmed the parrots.
Read also: How to name a parrot so you don't regret it: What names are better to choose
Suddenly, one of the birds grabbed the camera and flew to the sky, unwittingly turning into a video blogger. Since then, the New Zealand parrot has become a blogger himself, filming his own life, USA TODAY reports.
He flew smoothly over the hills, landed on a rock next to a tree, and continued to film everything.
A camera once captured a parrot trying to gnaw on its prey, but it didn't like it.
We offer you to learn how to teach a parrot to talk and what species of these birds will remain silent despite long attempts.
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