It only takes a few minutes: making an iced latte at home

Latte is a popular coffee drink originating from Italy. It is based on espresso combined with hot milk and a small amount of milk foam. The result is a creamy and delicate drink with a rich coffee flavor.
In the summer, cafes serve ice latte with syrups of different flavors at the request of customers. If you don't have a coffee machine, you can make your own latte at home.
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Here are some ways you can do it:
Milk can be heated on the stove or in the microwave. Heat the required amount of milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Then whisk the hot milk into a froth. Brew espresso and add it to the milk foam. Then add the desired amount of ice and serve with a straw.
Another way is to brew yourself an espresso or very concentrated coffee. If you don't have a coffee maker, you can use a coffee filter or a teapot. Add freshly brewed espresso to a tall glass or cup. Add hot milk and then add ice.
Garnish the surface of the drink with cinnamon, cocoa, or chocolate chips as desired.
We also recommend trying strawberry liqueur.
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