It takes beer and watermelon rinds: quick and effective ways to get rid of slugs in the garden

Gardeners occasionally face the problem of slug infestation. And it is necessary to get rid of them, as these creatures are capable of eating crops. Slugs can also carry dangerous diseases.
Slugs can be destroyed with pesticides, but then the crops will receive a dose of dangerous chemicals, or you can use ecological methods.
According to AZ Animals, the first thing to do is to remove things from the garden where slugs hide. These can be stones, wooden logs, or accumulations of fallen leaves. They will hide from the heat where there is moisture and coolness.
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To keep them away from the garden, try planting plants that repel slugs. These can be rosemary, parsley, thyme, sage, basil, lavender, yarrow, nasturtiums, hellebores, oregano, and fennel.
You can protect your garden with copper mesh. The most important plants in the garden can be fenced with copper mesh - this metal reacts negatively with slug mucus, creating something similar to an electric shock.
You can also use a variety of baits to catch slugs and get rid of them. For example, you can put watermelon and melon rinds between plants - slugs will crawl to eat them in the evening, and you should wait until there are enough of them to throw them out of the garden. If you want to get rid of slugs humanely, you can create an area in your yard that is completely separate from the garden and create an environment in which they would prefer to live. When you put baits in this place, you can then catch the slugs and take them away from the yard.
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Slugs love beer, writes AZ Animals. Therefore, it can also be used as a method against slugs. You need to take beer and pour it into a not too deep bowl so that slugs can crawl inside. They will drown in the bowl of beer.
Eggshells will also be effective against slugs. The sharp protrusions of eggshells hurt them terribly. If your garden is strewn with crushed eggshells, slugs will avoid crawling around such an area.
As a reminder, slugs and snails harm gardens by destroying seedlings and eating the leaves of large plants. There are chemical solutions that act as effective repellents, but there is a more natural way to get rid of pests.
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