Water with milk and iodine: life hacks for abundant geranium blooms

Pelargonium (geranium) is a favorite houseplant of many people who like its abundant flowers. It is a fairly unpretentious plant, but it also needs care to bloom longer and more often.
Any universal soil used for flowering plants is suitable for geraniums. It can be a mixture of turf and humus in a 1:1 ratio.
During the cold season, the best temperature for this plant is 14-16 degrees. Therefore, it will tolerate being on a balcony or windowsills close to the window glass.
Read also: Prepare roses for winter in three steps: garden secrets
All types of geraniums are very fond of lots of sunlight, so they should be placed on a well-light windowsill, periodically turning the pot so that the bush forms properly.
In winter, geraniums are illuminated with special phytolamps, otherwise, they will fade. Pelargonium is watered only when the soil near the roots is completely dry.
You can water geraniums with the addition of iodine, which will stimulate the appearance of inflorescences and prolong the flowering of the plant. You only need a drop of iodine per liter of water at room temperature. Water with this solution every two weeks during the growth period. And be careful not to get this solution on the leaves of the plant.
Iodine is also a good antiseptic for the soil. It protects the roots from rot, as well as from fungi and parasites that attack geraniums.
Another natural product for fertilizing geraniums is banana peels. They stimulate the flowering of pelargonium.
Cut the banana peel into pieces and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Cover tightly and put in a dark place for 5-7 days. Then strain the solution and mix 1:1 with the water you will use to water the geraniums. Banana peels can also be crushed and added to the soil in which the pelargonium grows.
Another product that can stimulate the flowering of geraniums is milk. Dilute 100 ml of the product in the litre of water and water the plants at the root.
During the wintering of geraniums, firstly watering should be reduced, then completely stopped, as the plant enters a dormant period.
As a reminder, we have told 5 useful tips for caring for indoor plants in fall.
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